Fermatean Fuzzy TOPSIS Method and Its Application in Ranking Business Intelligence-Based Strategies in Smart City Context





Smart City, Business Intelligence, Fermatean Fuzzy Set, TOPSIS, Decision Making


With the expansion of smart cities, the use of business intelligence (BI) has emerged as a crucial tool for resource optimization, increasing efficiency, and improving the citizens’ quality of life. BI enables companies to make better strategic decisions by analyzing vast amounts of urban data, helping them remain competitive in the dynamic smart city environment. This study utilizes content analysis and the Fermatean Fuzzy TOPSIS (FF-TOPSIS) method to rank the strategies based on business intelligence in the context of smart city. Initially, relevant criteria were identified through content analysis, and subsequently, five strategies were developed and ranked based on these criteria. The results revealed that the "Development of IOT-enabled smart networks (S2)" ranked highest, as it plays a significant role in optimizing resource management and enhancing urban service performance, thereby contributing greatly to the advancement of smart cities. "Process automation and the deployment of robotic systems (S5)" ranked second, as it enhances efficiency and reduces human errors. "Cloud platform integration for seamless access to data and services (S3)" also proved to be of considerable importance, ranking third, as it provides seamless access to data and services. " Artificial intelligence deployment for predictive analytics and process optimization (S4)" ranked fourth and was vital for predictive analytics and process optimization, while " Big data analytics for smart decision-making (S1)"—despite its importance—ranked fifth. Urban managers should prioritize the development of IOT networks to fully leverage their potential for resource management and efficiency gains. Following this, attention to process automation and AI integration can significantly enhance the quality of life for citizens and reduce urban costs.


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How to Cite

Majd, S. S. ., Maleki, A., Basirat, S. ., & Golkarfard, A. . (2025). Fermatean Fuzzy TOPSIS Method and Its Application in Ranking Business Intelligence-Based Strategies in Smart City Context. Journal of Operations Intelligence, 3(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.31181/jopi31202532