Aims and scope
Journal of Operations Intelligence interact in many scientific fields of vital importance and publishes high-quality scientific papers. These include, intelligent systems, decision making, decision support systems, computational intelligence, expert systems, information science, knowledge based systems, soft computing, and artificial intelligence. Journal of Operations Intelligence is an international peer-reviewed journal. The focus is to publish the quality research in application and convergence of the field of these techniques and other similar techniques to address real world complexities.
The journal will publish papers in operations intelligence and application in the areas of; engineering, business, transportation, logistic, finance, marketing, accounting, auditing, energy, economics, defense, law, procurement and contracting, project management, risk management, information management, waste management, information retrieval, crisis management, stock trading, strategic management, data science, network management, telecommunications, space, marine, business analytics, healthcare, chemistry, human resources management, production management, archaeology, digital technology, sustainable mining, and sustainable management.