Optimization of Stowage Strategy for Ship Loading Tasks





Ship Stowage, Bin Packing Problem, Optimization Algorithm


In recent years, the logistics industry has witnessed rapid growth, drawing considerable attention to pre-transport cargo loading as a focal point of research for scholars globally. However, the escalating complexity of actual transportation processes and the diversification of application scenarios have rendered traditional loading methodologies inadequate to meet the evolving demands of enterprises. To address this issue, this paper presents a solution to the loading problem of rectangular pulp bales in non-rectangular complex cargo holds, effectively meeting the demand for optimization algorithms and thereby conserving manpower and resources. The paper introduces a packing algorithm tailored to custom regions, which integrates the optimized Skyline algorithm with domain-search iterative strategies to achieve optimal loading outcomes. Furthermore, the efficacy of the algorithm is validated using real maritime data, demonstrating its robust performance and loading efficiency.


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How to Cite

Yao, Z., Wu, L., Yuan, M., Wu, Z., Jiang, S., & Chen, Z.-S. (2024). Optimization of Stowage Strategy for Ship Loading Tasks. Journal of Operations Intelligence, 2(1), 273-284. https://doi.org/10.31181/jopi21202425