Extension of Interaction Geometric Aggregation Operator for Material Selection Using Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Hypersoft Set
Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft set, IVIFHSIWG operator, MCGDM, Material selectionAbstract
A recently emerged area of research named intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft set (IFHSS) attempts to describe the internal limitations of intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets on multiparameter functions. A computation of such a type connects a power set of the universe with a tuple of sub-parameters. The strategy shows the allocation of attributes to their respective sub-attribute values in distinct groupings. The above features make it a unique methodical tool for handling obstacles of hesitation. The aggregation operators have an important role in the assessment of both types of potential and in identifying problems from their assessment. This research extends the use of the interaction aggregation operator to the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft set (IVIFHSS), which is an entirely new structure generated through the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (IVIFSS). The IVIFHSS significantly condenses information that is inaccurate and imprecise compared to the frequently utilized IFSS and IVIFSS. Fuzzy reasoning is recognized as the prevalent strategy for improving imperfect data in decision-making processes. The core objective of the research is to develop operational rules for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft numbers (IVIFHSNs), which promote interactions. This research is designed to broaden the utilization of the interaction geometric aggregation operator in the framework of IVIFHSS. In particular, we propose a novel operator known as the Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Hypersoft Interactive Weighted Geometric (IVIFHSIWG) operator. The aggregation operator indicates industry professional support for the implementation of a robust MCGDM material selection technique in order to address this need. The practical application of the intended MCGDM technique has been introduced in selecting materials (MS) for cryogenic storage containers. The influence advocates that the anticipated model is more operational and stable in demonstrating anxious facts based on IVIFHSS.
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